REAL Actions

Even small steps in the right direction make a difference!
To start adding Christian practices into your everyday life, simply take the challenges, answer the questions, and have the conversations!

You’ll be well on your way to becoming a true disciple of Christ!

Challenge: Donate Time

Challenge: Donate Time

It’s very easy for us to pass by those in need without a second thought. When we do this, we are rejecting our own shepherd. This makes us the goats of the parable – and we know where they go! With that in mind, here's your REAL Challenge for the week: Donate your...

Challenge: Use Talent

Challenge: Use Talent

We are all blessed with different gifts, talents and abilities. The Lord gave them to us so that we would spread them around, not keep them hidden away! With that in mind, here's your REAL Challenge for the week: Choose something you're good at and use that talent to...

Challenge: Read the Bible

Challenge: Read the Bible

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to forget about our spiritual lives as we're running from one activity to the next - but Jesus tells us that we should always be prepared for the coming of the Lord! With that in mind, here's your REAL Challenge for the week:...

Challenge: Peacemaker

Challenge: Peacemaker

Jesus gave us the Beatitudes as a roadmap to follow in our journey toward heaven - but we still have to make the journey! With that in mind, here's your REAL Challenge for the week: Focus on being a peacemaker and bring people together! Remember what Jesus said in his...

Challenge: Just Listen

Challenge: Just Listen

As Christians, we aren't called to win every debate and argument - and we're certainly not called to belittle people and make them feel stupid! With that in mind, here's your REAL Challenge for the week: When you disagree with someone, don't attack or defend - just...

Challenge: Active Spirit

Challenge: Active Spirit

In order to "pray without ceasing," as St. Paul suggests, we must ensure that our Christian values are woven through everything we do, and we must learn to recognize the Spirit at work in our lives! With that in mind, here's your REAL Challenge for the week: At the...

Challenge: Big Picture

Challenge: Big Picture

When we get too focused on our immediate situations, we become self-centered and run the risk of missing the potential negative impacts of our actions! With that in mind, here's your REAL Challenge for the week: When you get upset, step back and look at the big...

Challenge: Find Balance

Challenge: Find Balance

When our lives get out of balance, we run the risk of putting ourselves first and stumbling headlong into sin! With that in mind, here's your REAL Challenge for the week: Find where you're spending too much time and do something to bring your life into balance!...

Challenge: One New Thing

Challenge: One New Thing

God's ways are not our ways but that doesn't mean we shouldn't keep striving to live the Gospel message and share the Good News with everyone around us! With that in mind, here's your REAL Challenge for the week: Do one new thing to live the Gospel message daily!...