REAL Actions

Even small steps in the right direction make a difference!
To start adding Christian practices into your everyday life, simply take the challenges, answer the questions, and have the conversations!

You’ll be well on your way to becoming a true disciple of Christ!

Challenge: Eyes of Faith

Challenge: Eyes of Faith

Jesus is risen and his Holy Spirit is alive and active in our lives every day. Unfortunately, we can get so caught up in our own trials and tribulations that we feel like we're all alone and don't recognize that Jesus is walking with us. But if we stop looking with...

Challenge: Call a Friend

Challenge: Call a Friend

Jesus is risen and his Holy Spirit is alive and active in our lives every day. Unfortunately, we are often like "doubting" Thomas, wondering if God is real and truly loves us. Remember that we are the hands and feet of Christ on earth and the Holy Spirit works through...

Challenge: Look for Clues

Challenge: Look for Clues

Jesus is risen and his Holy Spirit is alive and active in our lives every day. Unfortunately, we are often like the disciples on the road to Emmaus who walked and talked with Jesus after the resurrection and didn't recognize him until he broke bread with them. With...

Challenge: Pray Every Day

Challenge: Pray Every Day

Jesus suffered and died for us. Why? Because he always was and always will be passionate about us! Unfortunately, we're not always all that passionate in return. To be honest, we can be downright ungrateful and sinful at times. With that in mind, here's your REAL...

Challenge: Lost to New

Challenge: Lost to New

During Lent, we focus on the suffering of Jesus and the sacrifice he made for us - the ultimate sacrifice - but we should also keep our eyes on Easter. The Paschal Mystery is that there is suffering and death - but it's always followed by new life! With that in mind,...

Challenge: Compliment Someone

Challenge: Compliment Someone

There are many ways to help others, including being careful and thoughtful with the words we choose. It's not just important during Lent - it's important all the time. With that in mind, here's your REAL Challenge for the week: Compliment someone on a good quality you...

Challenge: Offer to Help

Challenge: Offer to Help

There are many ways to express our faith and some may be more helpful to you than others. During Lent, self-sacrifice is an important lesson to learn. With that in mind, here's your REAL Challenge for the week: Offer to help with something you don't normally do!...

Challenge: Give up Temptation

Challenge: Give up Temptation

There are many ways to express our faith and some may be more helpful to you than others. During Lent, self-sacrifice is an important lesson to learn. With that in mind, here's your REAL Challenge for the week: Find what tempts you most and give it up for Lent!...

Challenge: Pray Every Day!

Challenge: Pray Every Day!

There are many ways to pray and some may be more helpful to you than others. Regardless of how you do it, prayer needs to become a daily habit. With that in mind, here's your REAL Challenge for the week: Consciously and intentionally pray every day. Think about why...

Challenge: True Joy!

Challenge: True Joy!

Joy is so much more than simply having fun. True joy is knowing that you are in harmony with God's will. With that in mind, here's your REAL Challenge for the week: Choose a short Bible verse that reminds you of the joy of living in harmony with God's will. Write it...