Conversation: New Life

Conversation: New Life

Christians understand that suffering and death are things we experience throughout our lives, but the Paschal Mystery is that suffering and death lead to resurrection. What that means for us is that the death of one thing will lead to new life in something else! With...
Challenge: Different Light

Challenge: Different Light

The scribes and Pharisees often tried to trip Jesus up by presenting him with a problem that they believed could only be solved by turning to the law but Jesus usually did something they didn’t expect. He came at the dilemma from a different angle. With that in...
Question: Hard to Forgive

Question: Hard to Forgive

As Christians, we ask the Lord to “forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.” That means that if we don’t forgive others, then we shouldn’t expect the Lord to forgive us. Unfortunately, forgiveness isn’t...