Question: Relate to Life

At Easter, we remember the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus. We also come face to face with the resurrected Jesus every time we receive Jesus in the breaking of the bread at the Sunday Eucharist. But the Paschal Mystery goes far beyond that! With that in...
Question: Hard to Forgive

Question: Hard to Forgive

As Christians, we ask the Lord to “forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.” That means that if we don’t forgive others, then we shouldn’t expect the Lord to forgive us. Unfortunately, forgiveness isn’t...
Question: Respond to Temptations

Question: Respond to Temptations

It’s important to know that Jesus faced temptations. But it’s even more important to note that Jesus did not give in to them. No matter what the devil said or did, Jesus had a response. He was prepared! With that in mind, here’s your REAL Question for the week:...
Question: Trust the Lord

Question: Trust the Lord

When we put our trust in Jesus, our focus won’t be on money, fame, and power – it will be on loving God, helping others, and building the kingdom on earth. With that in mind, here’s your REAL Question for the week: How can you “put your trust in the...
Question: Spirit Gifts

Question: Spirit Gifts

We are all created by God and our unique gifts and talents come from the Spirit – but it’s up to us to choose to use them. If we want to understand what we’re called to do, we can start by thinking about what gifts we’ve been given. With that...
Question: Parish Visitor

Question: Parish Visitor

It’s true that “looks can be deceiving” but the Magi realized the truth when they finally saw the baby Jesus. Unfortunately, not everyone can see with their eyes of faith, so we need to try harder to help them see the truth. With that in mind,...