Make no mistake – Easter is a time for celebration! And not because Reese’s has their eggs practically everywhere (though that reason might be a close second). No, it’s a time for celebration because Christ IS risen! Notice that I didn’t say Christ HAS risen. The past tense verb is wrong in this case because this is always a current event.

Jesus is risen and his Holy Spirit is alive and active in our lives every day. Unfortunately, we are often like the disciples on the road to Emmaus who walked and talked with Jesus after the resurrection and didn’t recognize him until he broke bread with them. I want you to know that our Lord is walking with us along our journey but we don’t always recognize it until afterwards. That’s okay, though, as long as we do recognize it at some point and then thank the Lord for his presence and support.

Make sure you spend time on the Challenge this week and I think you’ll agree that he is risen! Indeed, he is risen!