REAL Actions

Even small steps in the right direction make a difference!
To start adding Christian practices into your everyday life, simply take the challenges, answer the questions, and have the conversations!

You’ll be well on your way to becoming a true disciple of Christ!

Challenge: Compliment Yourself

Challenge: Compliment Yourself

We’re not unworthy, but sometimes we treat ourselves as if we are. It’s bad enough when we judge others. It can be worse when we judge ourselves, because we can’t get away from our inner critic! With that in mind, here's your REAL Challenge for the week: When you...

Question: Trust in the Lord

Question: Trust in the Lord

We've heard people say to put our trust in the Lord, but most of us don't know what that means or how to do it. In fact, most people try to do things their own way, and then hope that God helps them complete their plans. But is that what the Holy Spirit wants? With...

Conversation: Avoid Temptations

Conversation: Avoid Temptations

It’s not always easy to do the right thing, especially if we're focused on our own desires. Jesus has given us an example to follow and we have free will, so let’s be strong and figure out how to better resist the temptations we face! With that in mind, here's your...

Challenge: Turn the Other Cheek

Challenge: Turn the Other Cheek

What should you do if someone insults you? According to Jesus, let them. Are you surprised or angry at what they said? Don't be. And whatever you do, don't return the insult. It's not by chance that we use “a slap in the face” as a metaphor for an unexpected insult....

Question: Jesus Next to You

Question: Jesus Next to You

Plenty of people ask themselves, “What would Jesus do?” The problem is that they immediately think of things like driving the money-changers out of the temple, then convince themselves they are justified in demonstrating “righteous anger.” So, instead of imagining...

Conversation: Salt of the Earth

Conversation: Salt of the Earth

Jesus said to his disciples: "You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its taste, with what can it be seasoned?" Seasoning is only a small part of a dish, and yet it can change the flavor dramatically. In the same way, even small things we do can bring out the...

Challenge: Become a Peacemaker

Challenge: Become a Peacemaker

Jesus said that those who work to make peace and bring people together will be called children of God and they will be blessed. It's a reminder that as Catholics, we should strive to be peacemakers, in our families, friendships, and communities. With that in mind,...

Question: Respond to God’s Call

Question: Respond to God’s Call

Responding to God's call means recognizing and following the guidance and purpose that God has for your life. Ultimately, it is about living in a way that is true to your faith and in harmony with God's purpose for the world! With that in mind, here's your REAL...

Conversation: Think Global Act Local

Conversation: Think Global Act Local

There is power in thinking globally but acting locally. It gives us the ability to start small in support of a much larger goal. Unfortunately, there are far too many great causes out there that could use our help. With that in mind, here's your REAL Conversation for...

Challenge: Say Hello

Challenge: Say Hello

If we want to help the Church be more accepting and welcoming, then let’s start where we can actually have an immediate impact. Let’s start by helping someone feel welcomed at Mass. With that in mind, here's your REAL Challenge for the week: Say "hello" and smile at...